per sangild

My homepage contains a bit about myself, my work and my science. There is also an overview of the lectures that I can offer. These lectures may be of a scientific character or contain more general and popular information.





Per T. Sangild,
Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition,
Department of Clinical Veterinary and Animal Science,
Faculty of Health Science, University of Copenhagen,
68 Rolighedsvej, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Tel +45 3335 2698 Mail (Faculty), (Department)
Part-time employment at Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

My main interest is development of humans and animals through critical life stages from fetuses and newborns to adults, including their nutrition and health. Different cultures hold widely different views towards food, health, nature and animals. My facination for this topic gives me a hobby interest into food and health cultures, ethics and religion, along with my "home ground" in natural science.
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